Block Matching VIP Affiliate Wallet

Block Matching VIP Affiliate Wallet


What is Block Matching VIP Affiliate Wallet?

Block Matching Affiliate Wallet is one of the excellent program of VIP affiliate Wallet.

This program is giving you an opportunity to earn more income by two different ways, which are as follows. First income is your referral income which is 10% of your total hold assets which you can also earn in the form of WhiteBitcoin. The second income is Block matching income – Here if two of your holding blocks are matched in the mining of WhiteBitcoin, then you will get 10% income of your hold assets. Thus, block matching program of VIP affiliate Wallet is a great program to earn more income. It allows you to earn income both the incomes together.

VIP Affiliate Wallet is one such kind of program in the world from where you can earn income just by holding or staking your digital assets. The income you earned here is directly comes from the mining server.

There are two different ways to use this affiliate program to generate income.
  1. Matching two blocks with each other
  2. Holding / Staking digital assets.

Here you can hold / stake all the five supporting assets like Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, WhiteBitcoin, Bitcoin Gold. This wallet work on decentralized basis and all the transactions are done only on blockchain. You can save, withdraw, hold and stake all the five supporting assets for income. This program is being offered for limited period only, once WhiteBitcoin mining is publicly open this will be discontinued. Please take advantage of this service by becoming an affiliate user.

Total WBTC 1000

Total Assets(USD) 27610
WBTC/USD$ 27.61
Total Block A Asset Value 150000 $
Total Block B Asset Value 120000 $
Total Asset Value 270000 $
Block A Asset Value 1500 $
Block B Asset Value 1200 $

Block Views

Block A

Asset Value 150000$

Block B

Asset Value 120000$

Block A

Total Wallet

Block B

Total Wallet
  • User Name: WhiteBitcoin User
  • Name: WhiteBitcoin User
  • Block: 1500$

A Block View

Img Img

B Block View

Img Img

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